Hindsight makes fools of us all
(said also by John French)
Yet we do not seem to realise that this very moment is the moment of hindsight. This very moment is the moment you will look back on and say ‘I was but a fool’.
We grow out of this moment and it will be some part of an ancient past. Do you not look back upon yourself and see that you were still a child, even when your mind and body had matured? You think you are not a child now, that you know things and even understand them. I laugh heartly at you, for you are a child, like I am a child. And in many years you will laugh at yourself also. And many years more you will be dead and unable to laugh at yourself. But if we were to believe in some sort of life beyond life then surely you will laugh at yourself there.
We laugh when we see a fool, but hindsight tells us that we are all the fool, that we all should laugh at all of us.